Struggle Creates Strength started solely off of my internal drive to help people facing mental health struggles. I have personally struggled with mental health my entire life, so it is a subject that I hold close to my heart. By no means am I an expert on the topic of mental health, but through various personal encounters I have become a very knowledgeable mental health advocate. I am someone who constantly has a smile engraved on my face, but for a long time it was not genuine. My smile was used to mask the emotional struggles and distress that I encountered on an every day basis. Ultimately, I created Struggle Creates Strength to prove that EVERYONE HAS A STORY. No two stories are the same, but every story has the potential to help someone else. Through the podcasts I have filmed thus far I have learnt more about myself and realized that I can rate to certain extents with so many more people than I thought. I’m so excited to start a movement that has the potential to shake the world with the power of speech! Share your support and join the movement and help someone else’s today
Friday Jul 02, 2021
Episode 49: In The Middle Of My Struggles with Brody Wildeman
Friday Jul 02, 2021
Friday Jul 02, 2021
Brody Wildeman defines strength. He is currently in the toughest part of his struggles as this is being released and he sought out an amazing opportunity to make a difference in people's lives. Brody acknowledges how incredible it is to share our journeys after we've overcome the worst part, but he also knew the power that could come from speaking up while in the middle of them. He has encountered some tough struggles in his life which have mostly stemmed from his Borderline Personality Disorder. Unfortunately, no form of medication has or will work for Brody, so he has taken action towards attending a specialized therapy program. Brody encourages everyone to reach out for help and find their voice today. Our struggles do not define us; if anything they give us the power to help others.
If you want to reach out to Brody and have a form of conversation with him then be sure to reach him via:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brodywildeman/
If you want to reach out to me or are interested in being on the podcast you can contact me via:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/strugglecreatesstrength/
Website: https://strugglecreatesstrength.com
Email: info@strugglecreatesstrength.ca
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/strugglecreatesstrength
Thanks so much for listening to another episode of Struggle Creates Strength and just remember that EVERYONE has a story.
Monday Jun 28, 2021
MINDSET MONDAY - 3 Simple Tips to Maximize Your Energy
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Monday Jun 28, 2021
I think we can all agree that one of the most frustrating things is when we are EXHAUSTED and still have so many things left to do. And for many of us we can't just drop everything and curl up in bed with a snack and a movie. However, I have 3 simple tips that could rejuvenate your energy and help this problem. Being mindful of your nutrition, physical exercise, and overall recovery are three things that will make the biggest difference. We all know the health benefits of clean eating, yet why do we choose to eat junk? We all know how beneficial physical activity is for us and our minds, yet why do we not do it every day? We understand what proper rest and recovery looks like, but why do we choose to ignore it? If you feel slow and tired every day then start to be very mindful of these three categories and watch your energy sky rocket.
If you want to reach out to me or are interested in being on the podcast you can contact me via:
Instagram: Struggle Creates Strength
Website: www.StruggleCreatesStrength.com
Email: Info@StruggleCreatesStrength.ca
Facebook: Struggle Creates Strength
Thanks so much for listening to another episode of Struggle Creates Strength and just remember that EVERYONE has a story.
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Episode 48: Prison Leads To Positivity with Ryan Stephens
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Ryan Stephens' is living proof that it does not matter who you were in your past, but what's important is who you become. Ryan started his life of entrepreneurship at a young age and has found great success over the years. Ryan's most memorable and influential endeavour in business happened to be drug dealing. Being a drug dealer was not what he ever anticipated nor wanted to do, but quite frankly it may have been the most influential thing for him. His mindset and overall take on life shifted and transformed him into who he is today. He now advocates mental health with 'Ideas and Beers', runs ultramarathons, and helps others succeed in life. Ryan is an incredible human with massive goals that solely revolve around helping others. I encourage everyone to be a light in someones life and aspire to change lives just like Ryan does.
If you want to reach out to Ryan and have a form of conversation with him then be sure to reach him via:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ryanstephens___/
Ideas and Beers Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ideasandbeers.co/
Ideas and Beers Links: https://linktr.ee/ideasandbeers.co
If you want to reach out to me or are interested in being on the podcast you can contact me via:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/strugglecreatesstrength/
Website: https://strugglecreatesstrength.com
Email: info@strugglecreatesstrength.ca
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/strugglecreatesstrength
Thanks so much for listening to another episode of Struggle Creates Strength and just remember that EVERYONE has a story.
Monday Jun 21, 2021
MINDSET MONDAY - Men's Mental Health Week
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Today marks the start of men's mental health week and I felt it was important to express the importance of this. We all have men in our life and I'm sure we all know one who is a blue collar "suck it up" type of man. My goal for all men out there is to eliminate the tough guy act and just be true to yourself. Confront and value the struggles in your life and learn how to fix them. It does NOT make you weak to be vulnerable and it sure doesn't change your nature to seek help. I encourage everyone to make it a goal of theirs to check in on all of the men in their life this week. Let's use this week as an opportunity to start normalizing vulnerable conversations within men's lives. Men's mental health has a stigma surrounding it and it's time we crush it.
If you want to reach out to me or are interested in being on the podcast you can contact me via:
Instagram: Struggle Creates Strength
Website: www.StruggleCreatesStrength.com
Email: Info@StruggleCreatesStrength.ca
Facebook: Struggle Creates Strength
Thanks so much for listening to another episode of Struggle Creates Strength and just remember that EVERYONE has a story.
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Episode 47: Never A Lack In Adventure with Jordan Todd
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Jordan Todd is a man of many traits and I don’t think he will ever settle for just one. He is an athlete, a coach, a skier, a hiker, and an overall adventurer. Jordan was a hockey player for the majority of his life before stepping aside and finding his own path. He is the first one to admit that the road to where he is now was not easy, nor did he figure it out right away. Jordan found himself through repeatedly working hard with a major goal of finding himself. Jordan later found his passion for the functional fitness and started immersing himself in the outdoors and now you can catch him almost every day on mountain peaks. Jordan’s strength, courage, and vulnerability will help so many people and he is someone who is truly showing the importance of being MENTALLY SHREDDED!
If you want to reach out to Jordan and have a form of conversation with him then be sure to reach him via:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jrdntdd/
O23 Holistic Systems: https://www.instagram.com/o23_holistic_systems/
Mentally Shredded: https://www.instagram.com/mentallyshredded/
If you want to reach out to me or are interested in being on the podcast you can contact me via:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/strugglecreatesstrength/
Website: https://strugglecreatesstrength.com
Email: info@strugglecreatesstrength.ca
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/strugglecreatesstrength
Thanks so much for listening to another episode of Struggle Creates Strength and just remember that EVERYONE has a story.
Monday Jun 14, 2021
MINDSET MONDAY - Life's Not That Serious
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Monday Jun 14, 2021
At the end of the day we all finish in the same place; buried in the ground or burnt to ashes. Our name will soon disappear from conversation and our ‘legacy’ will only live in the grave. I know this all seems blunt, but it’s true. You stressing about buying a house, having kids by a certain age, getting married, or becoming a millionaire is all pointless! I encourage you to eliminate your daily stress, overthinking, and fear. Strive to live a life that makes YOU happiest and start doing what you desire. If working for a big corporation doesn’t please you then don’t. If traveling excites you then travel. You are able to accomplish everything you want in life, but it all starts by not taking life all too serious.
If you want to reach out to me or are interested in being on the podcast you can contact me via:
Instagram: Struggle Creates Strength
Website: www.StruggleCreatesStrength.com
Email: Info@StruggleCreatesStrength.ca
Facebook: Struggle Creates Strength
Thanks so much for listening to another episode of Struggle Creates Strength and just remember that EVERYONE has a story.
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Episode 46: From Soldier to Mental Health Ultramarathon Runner with Frankee Auditano
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Frankee Auditano is an extraordinary human being. I’m not sugar coating it when I say that she is amazing in every last way and has a story you need to hear! Despite being so young she has so many remarkable achievements and has been able to say that she immersed herself in several different things. Frankee has identified as a soldier, a bodybuilder, an ultramarathon runner, and biggest of all, a mental health advocate. She continues to spread mental health awareness while challenging herself every day. Her accomplishments were earned through relentless hard work and the fact that she never quits. Frankee continues to change lives and save lives every day, so I highly recommend courage bless your life by reaching out to her. Thank you Frankee for sharing your incredible story
If you want to reach out to Frankee and have a form of conversation with her then be sure to reach her via:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/frankee_mindbodyfitness/
If you want to reach out to me or are interested in being on the podcast you can contact me via:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/strugglecreatesstrength/
Website: https://strugglecreatesstrength.com
Email: info@strugglecreatesstrength.ca
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/strugglecreatesstrength
Thanks so much for listening to another episode of Struggle Creates Strength and just remember that EVERYONE has a story.
Monday Jun 07, 2021
MINDSET MONDAY - Find Your Balance
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Finding balance between work and fun is tough, but it's crucial. It's never easy to see everyone doing something while you're working and it's also never easy to be out when you know you could be working. The main reason why striving to have balance in your life is so important is because at the top you don't want to be alone. Being lonely when you've succeeded can be a very dull and emotionless feeling. I have never personally met someone who was at the top and not surrounded by amazing people. Ask for help along the way, welcome people into your life, and cherish the beauty of life on your way to success.
If you want to reach out to me or are interested in being on the podcast you can contact me via:
Instagram: Struggle Creates Strength
Website: www.StruggleCreatesStrength.com
Email: Info@StruggleCreatesStrength.ca
Facebook: Struggle Creates Strength
Thanks so much for listening to another episode of Struggle Creates Strength and just remember that EVERYONE has a story.
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Episode 45: Embrace Being Different
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
I chose to be different this week by hiking to the top of a mountain to film a podcast. I asked myself what would make me happy and this was exactly it. Most people look at the stages of building a podcast and dream of some fancy studio, but I dream of changing the way we approach mental health world wide with people's stories. I dream of chasing unique dreams and building a community that normalizes the topic of mental health. My future will be different than everyone else's because I am different than everyone else. My past and my future will never be in sync with someone else's and I love that. We are all unique in our own way and it's time we start embracing our differences as opposed to shaming them. Nobody ever stood out by being normal, so embrace being different.
If you want to reach out to me or are interested in being on the podcast you can contact me via:
Instagram: Struggle Creates Strength
Website: www.StruggleCreatesStrength.com
Email: Info@StruggleCreatesStrength.ca
Facebook: Struggle Creates Strength
Thanks so much for listening to another episode of Struggle Creates Strength and just remember that EVERYONE has a story.
Monday May 31, 2021
MINDSET MONDAY - Consistency Compounds
Monday May 31, 2021
Monday May 31, 2021
Consistency is not a once in a blue moon thing; it is constant action being taken at a certain level of performance over a quality of time. Constantly expanding with your work, studying, fitness, content, etc, will compound and lead to great success. Success is earned not given and through consistency you will obtain exactly what you desire. Being consistent is not always easy, but it sure is rewarding. There will be ups and downs, but if you persevere and continue to be consistent you will be rewarded by your actions. You don't lose 20lbs by going to gym once, you don't make a million dollar company by putting in one 12 hour day, and you don't become successful without consistency. The more consistent you are means the more successful you'll be because consistency compounds.
If you want to reach out to me or are interested in being on the podcast you can contact me via:
Instagram: Struggle Creates Strength
Website: www.StruggleCreatesStrength.com
Email: Info@StruggleCreatesStrength.ca
Facebook: Struggle Creates Strength
Thanks so much for listening to another episode of Struggle Creates Strength and just remember that EVERYONE has a story.